How is Krishna's Birth celebrated in Mathura
Krishna's birth day is being celebrated today on 25th of August 2016. Preparation for the grand event takes place few week before. Hindu traditional festivals are based on lunar calendar, so the date of festivals do not repeat according to Gregorian calendar or International calendar in general.
Decorated Temple of Krishna, Mathura |
Krishna was born eight day (known as Asthmi) of dark fortnight (known as Krishna paksha- where moon light decreases every day), in Hindu calendar month of Shravan (month of rain and fertility). Hence the event is known by name of Janamasthmi (Janam+Asthmi). Some astrologers tried to calculate the approximate time of Krishna that comes to be around 3200 B.C., based on astrological calculations. This tells that Krishna was born 5200 years ago (approximately).
The Legend of Birth
Krishna was born as eight son of Princess Devaki and her Husband Vasudev, of Yadava Royal family of Ancient India, in city of Mathura. Mathura was then capital of Yadavas. It is located at river side of Yamuna, making it suitable for agriculture and dairy product based industry as lot of fodder is easily available for the farmers with cattles .
At that time Mathura was ruled by King Kansa (who was also brother of Devaki). Kansa snatched power from his father King Ugrasen. Kansa like a responsible brother was happily organizing marriage of his sister and at the end of marriage event there was a prophecy from the sky that, 'Don't be happy by your sister's marriage, 8th son of your Sister will be the reason for your death.' Afraid by this, he wanted to kill newly wed couple. After the suggestion from wise men of the court, he let them live, locked in prison cell but decided to kill every new born from them. After killing six children, seventh one was reported as miscarriage (but it was Balram, who was secretly transferred out of Prison). Before the birth of Krishna, father Vasudev received instructions from God about how should he transfer, new born to cross river to reach Gokul, where Chief of cowherd tribe (known as Gwala), Nanda lived. At the same moment of Birth of Krishna there was a girl child born to Nanda and Yashoda (who became the foster parents of Krishna). On a stormy night when Krishna was born, all the chains and prison lock unlocked, all guard went into deep sleep. Vasudeva took newly born Krishna in a basket and left him in safe custody of Nanda, bringing back the female child. In the morning when Kansa came to kill the girl child, believing that it is the eight child, she slipped from his hands, transformed into YogMaya, who is supposed to be helper of Vishnu and creator of Maya(false illusions) and reached sky, reminding Kansa about his wrong doing and repeated the prophecy.
Meanwhile Krishna went on to grow with his elder brother Balaram, in Gokul, destroying various demons sent by Kansa to kill him. After some time, Krishna killed Kansa in Mathura but didn't became King himself as there was another prophecy that the Kingdom which Krishna will rule; will be doomed to be destroyed, by anger of some sage. (Detailed story will be shared in another blog.) This prophecy became true for Dwarka.
There are many events in life of Krishna that have interesting link with number 8, like born as 8th son, on 8th day as 8th incarnation of Vishnu. This will be part of discussion some other time.
In Hindu culture this is main festival for Vaishnava. Celebration style may vary according to the region; for example Dahi-Handi is common event in South of India but in Mathura (or in North India) it is not so popular, same goes for Kite Flying on this day in West and North of India. Overall spirit of this festival is to welcome Krishna, and re create the life events of his time. Dahi Handi portrays the mischievous part of young Krishna's life, Nandotsav recreates the event of celebration of birth.
Krishna Janam Bhumi on Janamasthmi, Main Temple, Mathura |
Krishna Janam Bhumi on Janamasthmi, Main Temple, Mathura |
Celebrations in Mathura
Associated as birthplace and place of Krishna's birth celebration in Mathura is full of energy and a joyful atmosphere. Lots of people all around world come to witness the event at Krishna Janam Bhumi (Main Temple at place of birth). Temples are all prepared for gathering of huge crowd of devotees, food and water is usually provided either free or at nominal rates all around the regions. Even local people prepare the free food service and volunteer for self less management of festive event.
Actual Celebration starts from midnight of Krishna's birth, where priests in temple prepare for traditional prayers and holy bath of Lord inside temple, at the same time devotees outside sing the traditional folk songs to sing the welcome of Krishna. They sing the blessings for Krishna, sing congratulating Mother and Father, and sing birth story of Krishna. Some of these were composed by prominent poets of ancient times which took shape of folklore with local musical touch. Dance, music, Puja, Aarti and rocking cradle of Krishna is performed for celebrating the event. Sharp at mid night blowing of bells and conch shell can be heard all around to mark birth of Krishna. Locals celebrate the event at home by fasting on the day, preparing sweet dishes, decorating temples and houses and singing prayers and songs.
Main enterence of temple Janam Bhumi, on Janamasthmi, MathuraSome traditional songs for the event.Gokul Badhai GeetHaati Ghoda PalkiJanam Badhai in Haveli Sangeet - Pushti Marg
Vasudeva sutam devam, kansa chanura mardanam |
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